Where Real Care Begins...

Host home without transportation services enable a person to retain or improve skills related to: health; activities of daily living; money management; community mobility; recreation; cooking; shopping; use of community resources; community safety; and to develop other adaptive skills needed to live in the community... Learn More
Supported Living:
Supported Living service are provided to persons enrolled in the waiver who have limited informal support and have an assessed need for assistance with acquisition, retention, or improvement in skills related to activities of daily living, and who requires assistance to the development of social and adaptive skills that are necessary to enable the person to reside in the community and successfully participate community activities... Learn More
Individualized Day Supports (IDS):
Individualized day supports services provide crucial habilitation supports in the community to ensure that a person’s community integration is increased and the particular skills necessary for independence and community involvement outside the home are developed and maintained in ways that enhance community integration outcomes, based on the individualized preferences and goals. Learn More
In- Home Support Services:
In- Home Support services are services provided to a person to allow him or her to reside successfully at home. In-home Support includes activities in which the person is assisted by a Direct support Professional (DSP) to achieve the goals set forth in the Individual Support Plan (ISP). Services may be provided in the home or community, with the place of residence as the primary setting... Learn More
Respite services:
Respite services provide relief to a person's family or primary caregiver to enable them to participate in scheduled or unscheduled time away from the person and to prevent gaps in the delivery of the person's services... Learn More
Companionship services:
Companion services provide non-medical assistance and supervision to support a person’s goals, desires, and needs as identified in the person’s Individual Support Plan (ISP), and reflected in his or her Person-Centered Thinking and Discovery tools. Goals may be related to the person’s safety, promotion of independence, community integration, and/or retirement... Learn More
Professional Services
Effective March 25th, 2015 Hope Found Inc. NO LONGER provide the following professional services: Nutrition, Speech therapy , behavior support plan, diagnostics assessment review, occupational therapy or physical therapy.
We have chosen to focus our efforts on assisting persons with development disabilities By providing other wavier services.